Welcome to PT. Dian Innovative Solusindo

Nowadays Information Technology (IT) plays significant roles on company performance and growth. PT. Dian Innovative Solusindo is an IT Solutions company established in early of year 2011 which focus on delivering valuable and reliable IT services to customer with the concept of "Your IT Future Solution".

PT. Dian Innovative Solusindo service and solutions include IT Support Outsourcing, Internet Solution, Server and Network installation, Security System Design, Web Development and Hardware & Software suppliers.

We believe that we will Always Lead with an Excellent IT Solution.

Who We Are

we are a company in the field of technology and procurement. We also provide services and the best service, specifically for the client. We provide the best solution.

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We Are Hiring!

Don't hesitate to join with us, develop your bright future with PT. Dian Innovative Solusindo. Always leading an innovative solution.


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Speak with one of our Professionals!
E: crm@innovative.co.id


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Recent Updates

Cartdus.co.id is launching!
Get what your need now, in our online store.

HRIS Cloud System is on the way,
simple way to manage human resource.


Vision and Mission

Our Vision become the best and the most professional future IT Solution company ever known.

Our Mission Providing professional service that qualified and reliable.
